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  3. MQS and other Studio Features

Metrics that Matter: What is Consistency?

Our Consistency gauge measures your Control from rep to rep, ensuring that you are exerting just as much effort on the 8th rep as you did on the 1st.


The Consistency gauge takes a few reps to kick in, so don’t stress when you don’t see immediate feedback (it’s calculating while you work). Once the gauge calculates, you’ll see an ⬆️ if your reps aren’t matching or a  ✅ if your reps are consistently hitting the same mark.


Similar to Control, Consistency tracks your carriage movement down to the second, but (here's the kicker) it starts comparing your reps within the exercise to ensure you're hitting the same mark over and over and over again. 


Your instructor in-studio likely points out a dip in your consistency during an exercise, but can you always tell? That's why our Consistency metric is so important. This helps keep you honest during your at-home Pilates practice so you can end each class knowing you gave your all.  


For a closer look at this metric, let's chat with our Founder + CEO, Kaleen: